Wednesday, March 28, 2012

SP2010 Upgrade Incoming Email does not work

Configured Incoming email on new SP2010 farm as per technet. Database attach upgraded a SP2007 site collection. The host name has not changed in SP2010 but the incoming email server address changed.
Incoming emails are seen in the drop folder but do not get processed. ULS reports "missing alias" errors for the aliases which were working in SP2007.

For the library where the incoming email feature is not working, navigate to list settings -> incoming email settings, disable incoming email and enable with same email address

To identify impact on environment using below SQL query against content database,

SELECT Webs.FullUrl, AllLists.tp_Title, AllLists.tp_EmailAlias
FROM AllLists
Inner join webs on AllLists.tp_WebID = Webs.Id
where AllLists.tp_EmailAlias is not null

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

When to create a Service Application ?

Scenarios where service application development becomes a requirement

Those that share data across site collections or web applications (such as the Web Analytics or Managed Metadata service applications in SPS 2010)

Those that provide specialized calculations or analytics services (such as Web Analytics, Excel Services, or PerformancePoint Services)

Those that aggregate data (such as Search)

Those that are long-running or very intensive processes (such as Web Analytics, Search, or Word services)

Those that are used for middle-tier applications


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

PostBuild - GACUtil

Here is a handy visual studio post build script to GACassemblies and recycle application pools.

gacutil.exe -if "$(TargetDir)$(TargetFileName)"
iisapp /a SharePointContentAppPool /r